Privacy Policy

Effective date:2024-5-28

  • In order to provide you with a better service experience, we need to apply for the following permissions:
  • Device information: used to optimize services and protect information security.
  • Storage permission: Save the images and QR codes you upload to ensure data security.
  • Backend positioning: Monitor Wi Fi changes during network distribution to ensure proper functionality (no continuous tracking of location).
  • Camera permissions: Used when adding images or scanning QR codes, strictly protecting privacy.
  • Bluetooth permission: used for network configuration, only used during configuration, and not abused or leaked information.
  • Other permissions: Open according to requirements to ensure you understand and agree.
  • We value privacy protection and will not provide information to third parties without consent. If you do not agree, some features may not be available for use. If you have any questions, please contact customer service. Thank you for your support!

1、 Preface and Definition
This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) is signed by the following two parties:

You, as a registered user or user (hereinafter referred to as “User”) of this APP (hereinafter referred to as “Application”);

PTESS CLOUD: refers to the owner, developer and operator of this application (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “the company”).

This Agreement is intended to clarify the rights and obligations between you and us when using this application. This Agreement applies to all services provided by your use of this application (hereinafter referred to as “Services”).

Detailed terms and definitions

User Identity and Responsibilities
As a user, you must ensure that the information you provide is true, accurate, and complete, and promise to comply with relevant laws, regulations, and the terms of this Agreement when using this application. You shall be solely responsible for any direct or indirect liability arising from your use of this application.

Provision of application services
We will make reasonable efforts to provide stable, safe and reliable application services, including but not limited to information display, functional operation, data storage, etc. We have the right to update, upgrade or modify the application based on business needs, technological progress and other factors, but we should ensure that these changes will not cause substantial damage to your legitimate rights and interests.

Processing of user data
We respect and protect your personal privacy and data security. When collecting, using, storing and sharing your personal information, we will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and take necessary technical and management measures to ensure information security. We will not use your personal information for other purposes unrelated to providing services without your explicit consent.

intellectual property
The intellectual property rights of this application and any content contained therein (including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video, etc.) are owned by us or have been legally authorized. You may not copy, distribute, modify or use for other commercial purposes without our express permission.

Liability for breach of contract
If any party breaches any provision of this Agreement, the breaching party shall bear corresponding legal liability. The breaching party shall compensate you or us for any losses caused by breach of this Agreement in accordance with the law.

Applicable law and dispute resolution
The signing, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall first be resolved through friendly negotiation between the two parties; if the negotiation fails, either party shall have the right to file a lawsuit with a people’s court with jurisdiction.

For matters not covered in this agreement, both parties may negotiate separately and sign a supplementary agreement. The supplementary agreement has the same legal effect as this agreement. This Agreement takes effect from the date it is signed by both parties and will continue to be effective until you stop using this application or we terminate the service.

2、 User registration and account security

  1. User registration and account security

2.1 User registration

Before using this application, users need to complete the registration process in accordance with the requirements of the application and provide true, accurate and complete personal information. This information includes but is not limited to user name, password, email address, mobile phone number, etc. Users should ensure that the information they fill in is accurate and bear any consequences caused by providing untrue, inaccurate, and incomplete information.

During the registration process, users may be asked to accept the user agreement and privacy policy of this application and agree to abide by its terms. Users should read and understand these documents carefully, and if they have any questions or unclear points, they should consult us before registering.

2.2 Account security

Users are solely responsible for the security of their accounts. Users should properly keep their account information, including but not limited to user names, passwords, answers to security questions, etc. Users should update their passwords regularly and take other security measures, such as enabling two-factor authentication, to protect their account security.

Users shall not disclose their account information to any third party, nor shall they allow others to use their accounts. If a user discovers that there is unauthorized access or use of his or her account, he or she should notify us immediately so that we can take necessary measures to protect the security of the user’s account.

2.3 Account use

Users should abide by the usage rules of this application and shall not use their accounts to conduct any illegal, illegal, immoral or harmful behavior to the interests of others. Including but not limited to: publishing false information, maliciously attacking others, infringing on others’ intellectual property rights, committing online fraud, etc.

Users should properly manage their accounts and shall not use their accounts for any commercial purposes or illegal activities. If we find that a user violates the usage rules of this application, we have the right to take necessary measures, including but not limited to suspending or terminating the user’s account.

2.4 Account security responsibility

Users are responsible for the security of their own accounts and bear the consequences of any account security issues caused by themselves. If the account is stolen or the password is leaked due to the user’s own reasons, the user shall bear the resulting losses, including but not limited to capital loss, information leakage, etc.

We will take necessary technical and management measures to protect the security of user accounts, but due to technical limitations, network risks and other factors, we cannot fully guarantee the security of user accounts. Therefore, when using this application, users should bear their own responsibility for account security issues caused by network risks and other factors.

3、 Service usage
3.1 Comply with laws, regulations and ethics When using this application, users should strictly abide by national laws and regulations, social ethics, public order and good customs, and the regulations of this application. Users are not allowed to publish or disseminate any illegal information, including but not limited to pornographic, violent, terrorist, false, defamatory and other content. We will report any violations of laws and regulations to relevant departments in accordance with the law and reserve the right to pursue legal liability.

3.2 Respect intellectual property rights When using this application, users should respect the intellectual property rights of others, including but not limited to copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, etc. Users are not allowed to use, copy, or disseminate other people’s works or information without permission. We will pursue legal liability for infringement of other people’s intellectual property rights and assist relevant rights holders in safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests.

3.3 Malicious behavior is prohibited When using this application, users should abide by the regulations of the application and are not allowed to engage in any form of malicious behavior, including but not limited to malicious brushing, cheating, attacking the application system, etc. For malicious behavior, we will take corresponding measures depending on the severity of the case, including but not limited to warnings, restricting the use of functions, banning accounts, etc. At the same time, we reserve the right to pursue legal liability.

3.4 Reasonable use of services Users should use the services provided by this application reasonably and shall not use the services to conduct any illegal, illegal, immoral or harmful behavior to the interests of others. Users should abide by the usage rules of this application, and shall not interfere with or damage the normal operation of the application or damage the legitimate rights and interests of other users.

3.5 Unauthorized use prohibited Users are not allowed to use any functions or services provided by this application without authorization, including but not limited to bypassing the security mechanism of the application through technical means, obtaining non-public data or information, etc. For unauthorized use, we will take appropriate measures depending on the severity of the case and reserve the right to pursue legal liability.

3.6 Feedback and Suggestions We encourage users to provide valuable feedback and suggestions while using this app. Users can report problems, make suggestions or comments to us through the feedback channel within the app. We will listen carefully to user feedback and continuously optimize and improve the application’s functions and services to better meet user needs.

4、 Disclaimer clause
4.1 Service quality We will try our best to provide users with stable, safe and high-quality services. However, due to the complexity of technology, network, equipment and other factors, we cannot fully guarantee the continuity and stability of services. Therefore, we are not responsible for service interruptions, delays, or data loss caused by the above factors.

4.2 At your own risk In the process of using this application service, users should bear the risks caused by the use of the service. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential losses arising from the use of the Services unless there is intentional or gross negligence on our part.

4.3 Non-guaranteed statements Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a guarantee or commitment by us regarding the quality, performance or sustainability of the Services. The services we provide may be affected by technical, network and other factors, so the actual performance of the services may differ from users’ expectations.

4.4 Third-party services This App may contain or be linked to services provided by third parties. We are not responsible for these third-party services and make no guarantees about their content, quality, performance or security. When using third-party services, users should evaluate their own risks and abide by the corresponding terms and conditions of use.

4.5 Force majeure We do not assume any responsibility for service interruption or inability to provide services due to force majeure (such as natural disasters, war, government actions, etc.). In these cases, we will try our best to restore the normal operation of the service and notify users of the situation in advance.

4.6 Changes in law If we are unable to continue to provide certain services or need to modify the terms of this agreement due to changes in laws and regulations, we will promptly notify users and take appropriate measures. We are not responsible for any interruptions or changes to the Service due to changes in the law.

4.7 Notice and explanation We reserve the right to send notices and explanations to users via in-app notifications, email, text messages, or other appropriate means. Users should pay close attention to these notifications and understand their meaning. We are not responsible for any loss or inconvenience caused by the user’s failure to heed notifications.

5、 Other
This agreement shall take effect from the date of successful user registration and remain valid until the user cancels their account or we terminate the service.

We have the right to modify or update this agreement as needed. The modified protocol will be communicated to users through in app notifications or other means. Users should regularly review and understand the content of the agreement.

1. Information collection and use Information Collection:

We collect your personal information when registering and using this App. This information includes but is not limited to your name, gender, age, contact information, device information (such as IP address, device model, operating system version, etc.), usage habits (such as browsing history, search records, click behavior, etc.) and your active Other information provided (such as reviews, feedback, etc.).

Purpose of use: Our main purpose of collecting this information is to provide you with better services, including but not limited to personalized recommendations, optimizing user experience, improving our products and services, conducting data analysis, etc. At the same time, we will also use your information for necessary operations such as identity verification, order processing, and customer service in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.

Commercial use and sharing with third parties: We respect your privacy and will not use your information for commercial purposes or share it with third parties without your explicit consent. However, please note that in some cases, we may need to share your information with partners or third-party service providers to complete necessary operations such as order processing, payment settlement, and customer service. These partners and third-party service providers will be bound by strict confidentiality agreements and will be required to process your information in accordance with our requirements.

2. Information security Protection measures:

We attach great importance to the security of your information and have adopted a series of technical and management measures to ensure the security of your information. These measures include but are not limited to data encryption, access control, security audits, risk assessments, etc. We also regularly conduct security checks and vulnerability repairs on the system to prevent information leakage, loss or illegal access.

3. User rights and choices Right to object to information collection:

You have the right to object to us collecting your information, but please note that this may affect your use of some functions of this application. You can choose not to provide certain information during registration or use, or limit the collection of information by turning off certain functions through the settings within the application.

Right to access and correct information: You have the right to access and correct the information we collect about you. You can access and correct your information through the settings within the app or by contacting our customer service staff.

Right to deletion: Subject to laws and regulations, you have the right to ask us to delete your information. You can make a deletion request through the settings within the app or by contacting our customer service staff.

4. Third-party services Third-party service content:

This application may contain or be linked to services provided by third parties, such as payment, advertising, social media, etc. These third-party services may collect and use your information to provide their services.

Privacy Policy Responsibility: When you use a third-party service, be sure to carefully read and comply with its privacy policy. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of third-party services, nor are we responsible for any consequences of the use of third-party services.

5. Important reminder Read carefully:

Please read this privacy policy carefully before using this application to ensure that you fully understand and agree to our information collection and use methods.

Change Notice: We reserve the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy as necessary. The revised privacy policy will be notified to you via in-app notification, email, or other appropriate means. Please check it regularly and understand the latest content of the privacy policy.

Thank you for your trust and support: We value your trust and support very much and will always be committed to protecting your privacy. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact our customer service staff at

Last Update:2024-7-8